We have arrived in England. Yeah, we're in England - I think I forgot to mention that fact to pretty much everyone! Things have been so hectic at both home and work that neither of us really had a chance to even think about this trip until the day before we left. So we packed frantically, tried to get everything squared away, at work and Darlene took us to the airport on Wednesday. Work gave me a Blackberry (gee...THANKS guys) so I can stay on top of my email. We were fortunate enough to get Upper Class again on the way over and despite a few glitches for me here and there at the beginning of the flight, I was ok. Each flight gets easier and easier.We were met at the airport and driven to my parents house by one of the Virgin limos which was kinda neat. Will was in good form when we arrived and my dad arrived later in the evening. We had a nice pub dinner down the road before crashing at about 10pm. Dad and will are off to South Africa tonight and we are heading to my grandmother's house tomorrow morning. I shall post here as oft I can.